Hello Everyone.. things have been very busy here the past 2 wks now...
1st to start off with.. This past Friday night.. Samantha Fell and Broke her right hand which still is pretty swollen up and bothering her.. so she hasnt been a happy Camper since she isnt able to play at the park.. or do her normal things.. she is now finally able to do some writing and drawing.. but she just wants to play at the park and do the monkey bars.. which she cant do that yet.. hopefully her hand will heal up quick.. but only time will tell for it....
2nd.. I (Abby) have started working.. by watching 2 Girls Ages 4 and 7yrs in age Brooke who is 4yrs old.. she is a pretty good kid.. then her sister Ashley 7yrs.. she can be a hand full but I totally know how to handle her since she is just like Samantha... so they butt heads alot.. but its been good for both of them.. to see that they both cant be the boss over each other.. so I let them duke it out at times haha... but they have done really well here with the girls.... I am watching them Monday through Friday from 630am til when ever there dad gets off of work.. so anywheres from 445pm til 530pm... this coming wk.. they will be at my house from 530am til 630pm.. so it will be a long wk....
my days now starts at 5am and end no later then 11pm.. lately i'm out cold by 9pm.. which of course.. Matt doesnt really like.. since normally he goes to bed b4 me.. so he keeps falling asleep down stairs and wakes up around 4am to crawl into bed b4 my alarm goes off.. yes.. I wake up b4 him now.... so its been interesting.... but yes.. that all has been crazy.. this is end of wk 2 of watching the girls.. and I still have 3 1/2 wks to go...
Matt leaves next Saturday For Cali.. he will be gone from the 8th til the 26th I believe not sure on the day he is coming back.. I just know its for 3wks... I'm not looking foward to him going away and being 9 hours behind me.. but its something I just have to deal with being a Military Spouse... he is heading over there for some kind of Schooling... I told him to enjoy his Vacaction.. that when he gets back.. I'm going to go somewheres with my girl friends and he can watch the girls... but it shall be interesting forsure.. the wks i'm sure will go by pretty fast since i'm working 2 1/2 of those wks..
the other girls are doing alright.. Ayme just got over croup and then a nice cold.. Alyssa.. is trying to walk now.. she has cutt through her top 4 teeth.. so she has 6 teeth now.. she is still so tiny 17.4lbs and in 9mth clothes and she is 13 1/2mths old.. but she is happy and healthy..
Oh Yea! We now have 2 Vans.. We finally Picked up our new Van the 2000 ford windstar.. which they also gave us a free $200. carseat.. so that was nice of them.. so now if we want to go out as a Family we can... the only down part right now is.. I cant not drive here yet.. So i'll be walking to places while Matt is away... but its ok... I can make do.. I always do...
well I think thats it for an update on the joys of life right now... love and miss you alll
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