Monday, January 20, 2014

And... Update Time :)

Hello everyone.. so Sorry I havent been on here for so Long.. But I'm back and I'll try to update on things that are going on... sit back grab a coffee.. and get ready for a long update on everyone here in PA U.S.A.  :)

Tristan... he is doing good.. he is still potty training slowly.. when the warmer weather kicks in i'm sure he will be fully there since he hates the cold and sitting on the cold toliet which is funny.. but he does pee on the potty here and there... he still has his bowel issues that he has issues going at times..  I'll be trying to get him into the doctors soon enough and maybe they can give me their 2cents on what they think.. he has had issues since basically born so we shall see... but in other news for him.. he is doing really well he has grown a lot and is really smart and talks a ton.. crazy to think in only 5mths he will be 4 years old.. my baby isnt a baby anymore... but he still at least likes to cuddle with mommy.. which I enjoy those times :) well that is about it with him...

Alyssa..  she is doing really good... she is LOVING school she is in Kindergarten and just doing great she is always so excited to tell  me and show me all she has learned at school.. she is a smart kiddo and growing fast.. she will be 6 in June too.. so crazy how fast the kids grow...

Ayme... she is doing good.. she is getting over a bladder infection right now so she is on some  meds.. but she is a lot better compared to last Monday when she was in so much pain and just so sick.. poor girl was so sad to look at.... but any who.. she is loving school.. she is also in Kindergarten with Alyssa.. Ayme is slow in ways for learning and the doctors think she may be party autistic with how she acts and how she can get very stressed out to easy over certain things.. Ayme is smart but she needs a lot of hands on for learning and a lot of eye contact to really get her to understand and listen better.. but we are working on it and I know she will be alright.. she is a good kid

Michelle... she is doing good.. she has gotten so tall and super skinny she is like a walking stick with how skinny she has gotten her waist can fit in Tristans 3t clothes BUT she is size 8 girls tall.. she is my fashion model forsure... even though she still wants to be a K9 cop when she grows up.. she is so girly girl.. but she loves nerf guns and shooting things she will be one of those girls with a pick up truck and a shotgun behind her seat with her BIG dog in the car since she will be a K9 cop hehe..  she is a sweatheart most the time but of course she loves to pick on Sam the joys of being sisters.... but any who.. she is loving school and doing really well...

Samantha... she is doing good... she has been getting in trouble some in school lately so we are trying to work on those issues.. it seems she doesnt understand that if she keeps up the trouble she will be kicked out of the school and then she would loose out on seeing all her friends and getting a good schooling  but we are working on it.. she isnt happy right now since she has a lot of new chores and things that she has to be doing.. Lord willing she will see and understand what she is doing wrong and will change her ways.. I want what is best for her.. she will be 10 soon and she sure does act like a teen its been rough for me but I'm trying my best to keep my faith in God and that he will help me to be able to help Samantha to be better and see her wrongs.. she is the oldest of 5 and we live in a very small house.. so I know some of that also is apart of things going on.. poor girl just needs a little more space...  but she is doing alright right now...

Matthew.. he is doing good.. he been working his Job for the past umm 7mths I think the pay is only so so.. but its better then nothing right now.. but he is doing alright..

Me... well lets see.. me.. i'm doing okay.. I get stressed out at times with things going on.. between the kids and all the other things.. it can be very crazy at times.. I'm thankful for our church that we go too that have helped us out so  many times and we have never asked  just random people in church have just helped us out and it always seemed when money was even more tight thanks to the lovely Christmas package from the Lord we were able to go and see my family up in NY a couple weeks ago if that didnt show we wouldnt of been able to go I'm always thankful when were able to drive up to see my family specially My grams she is going to be 92yrs old soon so as we all know she wont be around for ever.. so i'm glad to be able to go and see her.. but any who.. i'm doing alright.. I'm doing my weight loose challenge again.. i'm down 45lbs since I had tristan its been a long 3 1/2yrs of loosing weight with the yoyoing of stress and all but i'm working on being healthier for my family any who.. all in all i'm alright....

well that is about it right now... thanks for reading... will update you all in February again with things Bye for now..

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